Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Update of Monday and Tuesday by Melvin


After the final day of digging out the holes for the gabions the next step was to make sure each foundation was square and level in comparison to the next. We also needed to decide how the rafters would fit onto the post protruding from the gabions which would then influence what size rafters we would need to source.

Levelling the gabion was a low skilled task however very frustrating, this was because the gabions had to be levelled individually as well as level with the other gabions and as one gabion was rammed in it was made more difficult. However despite this we managed to get all six gabions set into the ground completely level and started to attach the upper gabions to the ones just set in place.

The rafter position was decided after much discussion and Sally went out to source the wood which was scheduled for delivery tomorrow.


The day started with a briefing which consisted of what was scheduled to arrive and what we will be doing on site during the course of the day. The first thing on the agenda was to finish the previous day's work of attaching the rest of the surface gabions and filling them with bricks and ramming it with top soil. The patterns for the bricks was decided earlier in the week so they could accommodate the 4x4 posts snugly. This process was fairly straight forward but consistency with each level of bricks was key. 

Once the posts were fitted in the next job was to determine the height of the roof/rafters. By the end of the day on Tuesday the first roof rafters where in place. Wednesday would see the delivery of straw bales and the clay for the cob render arriving on site.

This post was writtien by Melvin, a member of the Shape My City 2015 group, who is spending his work experience week on the #livebuild project. 

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